Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Blessings through Recovery

Blessings through Recovery
This is a quilt my church group quilted!  

He had a little baby girl and 3 days later found out he had cancer! He is under going chemotherapy and is hopeful for his recovery! 

It is  exciting to bless Him with this quilt for his baby girl and that all the church members had a hand in making it!  Please keep him and his family in prayer for a wonderful recovery and healing!

This man has a business right next door to the church.  For years we have had those little whisper prayers that one day he would consider wanting Christ as his Savior.  It was such a delight to the church members and the leaders.  When he said, "God had to place him on his back.  Where I couldn't do anything, but start to  listening to His voice."  He said, "In  that time I surrendered my life and determined that if I got out of the hospital I would serve Him."   The way he expressed his love for God and thankfulness ministered to all of us. 

Maybe all our trouble are God wanting us to listen.  So that He could change the course of our lives.  To go toward  this wonderful Savior.  Jesus Christ.

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