Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Fluttering heart banner!

Fluttering hearts 

A while back I had an idea in my head and did a simple drawing!  

Ideas are great, but having the idea become a tangible product is better!  

Many time I have great designs to create in my head and sketch it out and then time passes by and all it is an idea on paper!  

Lately I have been determined to conceptualizer an idea into a existing product!  

So this is the start!  Transferring a picture on to fabric! 

Starting the quilting! 

An idea that has take 2 hours to start and finish!  But it took six months to put to action! I personally think I did a disservice to myself 

The lesson for me is!  Just do it!  Don't hesitate! Don't delay!  Don't over think it!  

If you just start - and believe!  The idea is worth doing and expressing the birth of it for others to see! Other wise it's just an idea! 

Can't wait to paint the fabric and place crystal and bind and hang on a wall like a piece of art! 

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